January 31, 2011


Itsy Bitsy Spider ~ Part II

Tonight she sweet talked Drew into Itsy Bitsy Spider since Daddy isn't here.

Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the water spout,

Down came the rain

and washed the spider out!

Up came the sun

and dried up all the rain,

and the Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the spout again!

And then she promptly starts saying "Again! Again!"

She reminds me of the Telletubbies when they would shout that.

PS  Yes she has on the same outfit two days in a row.  She refused to take it off and I refused to fight with her about it!  I choose my battles.  These days, I don't choose too many of them.


  1. How cute. Such precious memories....

  2. You should make a storyboard out of these photos and hang it in Peyton's room. I love seeing those moments when siblings are loving each other instead of chasing each other with weapons. LOL
